Age 4

The following CAPPD intervention methods are appropriate for four year old children.

Teaching Attunement

Age: 3-5

Applicable To: Groups or Individuals

CAPPD Concepts:  Attuned

What It Is:Similar to the above ‘Today I Feel…” activities, except that it focuses more on other people’s feelings. Ask and discuss with the children:

"How can you tell if someone is happy?"

"How can you tell if someone is sad?"

"How does it feel when no one listens to you?"

"When someone is speaking to you, you should look at them."

Age Appropriateness : 
CAPPD Concepts: 

Today I Feel…

Age: 3-5 (appropriate for 2s in an abbreviated way and with more help from the adult, who will do more narrating of what the child is expressing since the child will be communicating emotional states non-verbally)

Applicable To: Groups or Individuals

CAPPD Concepts: Attuned

Age Appropriateness : 
CAPPD Concepts: 

Read Stories

Age: 0-5

Applicable To: Groups or Individuals

CAPPD Concepts: Calm, predictable

What It Is:Read age appropriate, familiar books to and with children. Rhythmic books are especially good. See Appendix I for a list of suggested books.

Age Appropriateness : 
CAPPD Concepts: 

Playing Outside

Age: 6 mo-5

Applicable To: Groups or Individuals

CAPPD Concepts: Calm, present

What It Is:Let children run, jump, climb, scream and play outside. Toddlers, as well as older children, like to play ‘hide and seek.’  Let children be creative in their play.

CAPPD Concepts: 

Muscle Relaxation

Age: 3-5

Applicable To: Groups or Individuals

CAPPD Concepts: Calm, present

What It Is: Have children squeeze their face muscles tight (while making a face), notice how it feels, squeeze tighter – as tight as they can. Then, tell them to let those muscles relax and ask them how it feels now? Move down through the body – shoulders, arms/hands, legs/feet, whole body.

Age Appropriateness : 
CAPPD Concepts: 

Make a Safety Plan

Age: 2-5

Applicable To: Groups and individuals

CAPPD Concepts: Attuned, predictable

What It Is: Create and practice safety plans (for fires, hurricanes, tornados, earthquakes, school lock-down, etc) and educate children about it. If you are in the midst of disaster or trauma (especially acute, public trauma), inform children that the school, institution, or other authority is working to keep them safe; emphasize the plan.

Age Appropriateness : 
CAPPD Concepts: 


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