Ten LCFS supervisors were selected to participate in a pilot intensive Reflective Supervision training model developed by Multiplying Connections beginning in February of 2012. The training was designed to educate participants about Reflective Supervision, provide practice at using critical skills and provide a supportive structure in which the practice is modeled and experienced. Yodit Amaha, who has been a supervisor at LCFS for 18 years, notes that, “We were not just thrown into this whole concept and told to go and do it. The eight training sessions, spread across 16 weeks were very effective. They were not standard one-way trainings. Meaningful discussion was built in. As supervisors, we were able to share strengths and challenges and we felt empowered. We felt that our voices were being heard at the same time as we were learning new skills. Also, we built a strong camaraderie with one another.”
Both Wascow and Amaha emphasized that the trainer, Cynthia Shirley, MSW, LSW created an atmosphere of safety and trust with an emphasis on the collaborative, problem-solving approach that is the hallmark of Reflective Supervision. “We didn’t just learn about Reflective Supervision,” Wascow explained. “We saw it in action every time we attended. We looked forward to going to these sessions. Cynthia was wonderful. It was a terrific learning experience.” They described the trainer as always prepared, the materials as excellent and the level of engagement as very high.