
Resources for teens and parents about healthy relationships, peer influences, and sexual risk-taking:

WHY Do They Act That Way?
A Survival Guide to the Adolescent Brain for You and Your Teen by David Walsh PhD (2004). Published by Free Press, NY, NY.

The Primal Teen
What the New Discoveries about the Teenage Brain Tell Us About Our Kids by Barbara Strauch (2003). Published by Doubleday, NY, NY.
Provides information about adolescent sexual and reproductive health to parents, health care providers, educators, and advocates. The Parent’s Sex Ed Center contains tips and resources to help parents communicate effectively with their teens
Provides information and resources to teens using drugs and alcohol and offers support for those who have parents with substance abuse problems. Sponsored by the Federal government
Offers teens information and a quiz to help build healthy relationships. Provides suggestions for how to talk to a friend who is in an abusive relationship and explores options for how to get help and safety planning
Provides prevention education to address bullying and peer aggression
Serves as a clearinghouse for information, resources, and support. Large volume of resources dealing with teen and family issues including state resources
Provides information about a number of mental health concerns including depression, loss and grief, and substance abuse, as well as other teen issues such as friendship
Addresses a wide range of teen health concerns including cutting, tattoos, sexual health, personal safety, and diseases.
Targeted to 13- to 18-year-olds, this national teen dating violence resource offers teens who are experiencing dating abuse the opportunity to log in and get help from trained associates in a one-on-one private chat room. This website is co-sponsored by the National Domestic Violence Hotline and Liz Claiborne Inc.

There are a growing number of resources for learning and socioemotional development that integrate information and strategies from new research about brain development. For example:

The Amazing Teen Brain Resources